
Styling prepares the home to command top market value. 

 "85% of staged homes sold for 6-25% more than un-staged homes," according to a 2018 HSR survey of over 4200 homes.

Buyers want to envision the house as their home, not the Seller's. 

Styling for sale is the opposite of personal decor. 

Overly personal, worn, and dated items are removed. 

Using the sellers own plus agreed-upon rented and/or purchased items, we transform selected areas to achieve maximum Buyer appeal.  

ABODE-styled homes deliver positive impressions --- in pictures and on tour.  



Half-Day Styling:  $500.*

Full-Day Styling:  $800.*

*Plus furniture and/or accessory rental or purchase.  Pre-requisite: CONSULTATION

Typically 2-3 areas can be completed during a Half-Day Styling appointment.